I've decided to follow the "What's in your bag" blog trend and share the contents of my guitar/gig bag. Below is a list of essential items in my bag that I use for gigs, lessons and studio sessions. Enjoy!
Guitar cables (3+)
Tuners (3+: clip on and old-school plug-in tuners)
Capos (2: G7th for electric, Kyser for acoustic)
Batteries (9v for acoustic guitar)
Staff paper/Books
Power cable for amp
Power cable for delay pedal
Spare patch cables
Beta SM58 Microphone (for vocals)
SM57 or Sennheiser E609 Microphone (for live guitar amps)
Tablet (for lyrics)
Tools: Allen wrenches, screwdrivers, wrench
Ear plugs
Guitar slide
String cutter/winder
Tablet/phone charger
Assuming I am teaching lessons or playing a gig on guitar only, this is the only bag I need. If I play a gig on vocals I bring a whole extra bag with XLR cables, tablet stand, extension cords, power strips, extra mic, etc. That might need to be an entirely different post!
What's in your guitar bag?
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