When playing songs on ukulele, probably 90% of what you will be playing is chords. So if you are just starting out, these chords will help you play songs in no time! Chords are shown as pictures, and the info below will help you read them.
Reading Fretboard Diagrams
- Vertical lines indicate strings (from left to right: GCEA)
- Horizontal lines indicate frets (3-4 frets are shown in these photos)
- ○ indicates an open string
- ● indicates fretted note
- Numbers below indicate finger numbers (Index=1, middle=2, ring=3, pinky=4)

Below you can also find a downloadable PDF version of this photo.
This document is one of the materials from "Randy's Ultimate Beginner Ukulele Course" which is one year old now! Good luck on the beginning of your exciting journey in learning how to play ukulele!
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