Here is a list of known TV placements for composer Randy McGravey for September 2023. This is a partial list because the detection service I use was maxed out for the month (and experiencing delays).
9/1 - Music used on MLB Baseball
Channel: MLB (USA)
Chicago Cubs at Cincinnati Reds
9/4 - Music used on MLB Baseball
Channel: MLB (USA)
Chicago Cubs vs Giants
9/5 - Various tracks used on ARTE Regards
Channel: Arte (France)
Episode: Athènes, 45 degrés !
9/10 - Music used on Urheilulukio
Channel: YLE TV2 (Finland)
9/14 - Music used on College Football Live
Channel: ESPN U (USA)
9/14, 9/15, 9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 9/22, 9/24 - Music used on Frühstücksfernsehen
Channel: SAT.1 (Germany)
9/20 Music used on Norfolk and Suffolk
Channel: 5 (UK)
9/21 - Music used on NHRA in 30
Channel: Fox Sports 2 (USA)
Top 5 Moments of 2023 Indy
9/22 - Music used on MLB Baseball
Channel: MLB (USA)
Colorado Rockies at Chicago Cubs
9/22 - Music used on Love Island - Heiße Flirts und wahre Liebe
Channel: RTL2 (Denmark)
Tag 11 (Sommer 2023)
9/23 - Music used on Buten un Binnen
Channels: NDR Fernsehen, Radio Bremen FS (Germany)
9/30 - Various tracks used on Steven Raichlen's Planet Barbecue
Channel: PBS (USA)
Episode: Planet Barbecue (#112)
9/30 - Music used on College Football
Channel: ESPN U (USA)
Charlotte at SMU
9/30 Music used on Eva Longoria: Searching for Mexico
Channel: CNN (USA)
Episode: Oaxaca
Confirmed Unique Tunesat Placements (US/Europe): 22
Confirmed new placements (cue sheets, etc.): 0
Previous Months Estimated Total: 329
YTD estimated: 351!!
Goal for the Year: 350