With the summer coming to an end, I just want to share some updates and events that are happening.
Gigs are definitely back and in full swing! Not only have I been doing a lot of solo gigs, but more band-friendly venues are starting to return to live music. The fall should be very eventful and the calendar is filling up more each week. Check out the Shows tab for an up-to-date list of shows.
Licensing/TV Placements
My success with music licensing has slowed down the past month or so. TV placements are harder to come by when there aren't as many sports and new shows happening. This is not unusual for the summer, and there is usually a nice return in September/October. I had quite a few albums published this summer and more are in the pipeline for this year.
Lessons - Bedford, MA
(Fall dates: Wednesdays and Thursdays)
Summer lessons are still going for Bedford POMS (Patrons of Music Students) and Fall signups have begun. This Fall we will finally be back to in-person lessons! If you are interested in guitar, ukulele or bass lessons in the Bedford area, please send me an email.
Lessons - Lunenburg, MA
(Fall dates: Tuesdays)
In-person lessons will also be returning to the Lunenburg public schools this Fall. Signups usually start during the first couple weeks of the school year. If you are interested, please email me to reserve a spot!
Weddings appear to have resumed with full capacity. I'm playing a handful for the remainder of this year, and have started booking for 2022. It is always beneficial to reach out sooner rather than later. I'm lucky enough to be playing in 3 states this Fall, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine!
I've been working on 2 recording projects for clients this summer. The process has been fun, though I can't say much about them. Let's just say that I will definitely share links to the songs when they are released. I'm still waiting on my Marshall 1987x to come by the way, the anticipation and the struggle are real!
Join My Mailing List on my Home Page
Email RandyMcGravey@gmail.com for any requests or info.
Lastly, enjoy this photo from my cameo performance at my own wedding back in June. As Johnny (Barrows) will confirm, the faces are indeed contagious!

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