If you are a production music composer or sync composer, you have probably heard of audio detection services (audio fingerprinting). These services use the audio that you upload and can detect where and when they are used on TV and other media. These sites are useful, as they help you get information on where your music is being played, and help you get paid. Here are some of the available services and how they work.
Most sync composers I know are members of TuneSat. You can upload your tracks to their database (up to 50 tracks for the free version) and you can see what TV show, channel and episode it aired on. You are also provided with the sound clip, which can be exciting to listen to if you are just starting! They have several paid options which can expand the type of uses and territories you want to track.
Soundmouse works a little differently than TuneSat. When you upload to Soundmouse, you can import your PRO information, publisher information, work codes, ISRCs, etc. PROs use this technology to "put a face to the name" when a track is detected so it can generate cue sheets. The downfall is that you can't see the detections when you sign in with a composer login. I personally recommend using Soundmouse, because certain PROs use it as an exclusive detection service, and you are more likely to get paid on time if you use it.
Other Paid Services
I don't personally use any of these paid services, but they do exist, and some claim they are more accurate than the competition. If you are maxing out your TuneSat account each month, these other services might be worth looking into.
Finding out where your music is being licensed can be really exciting and encouraging and I suggest at least joining the free ones to start!
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